Chère Consœur, cher Confrère, cher(e)s ami(e)s
La SBR continue à grandir et nous comptons désormais plus de 730 membres à jour de leur cotisations au 31 décembre 2024, y compris nos internes en DESODF et les membres japonais qui nous ont rejoint.
Si tous les membres étaient à jour de cette cotisation, nous serions presque 900 … avis aux retardataires !
Vous venez de recevoir le dernier numéro de notre revue avec de la clinique, des articles scientifiques, un interview de Stéphane Barthélémi précisant les modalités imposées par la commission de qualification et la vie de la Société. Un numéro bien complet donc qui, je l’espère, vous passionnera et vous emportera aussi vers Madagascar où un groupe d’étudiants en dentaire est allé dispenser des soins.
Les cas présentés venaient de l’Ouest, c’est un défi lancé aux autres régions ! Laquelle le relèvera ?
2025 a démarré sur les chapeaux de roue avec une réunion régionale chaque mois pendant ce premier semestre : une bonne opportunité dans vos régions respectives de retrouver vos ami(e)s et d’échanger avec elles et eux .
Sans oublier la semaine interfaculté pour nos internes qui aura lieu début avril à Bordeaux.
J’espère toujours pouvoir sortir un numéro très clinique, international, de notre prochaine revue avec des présentations de cas venant de différents horizons …même s’il est très difficile de rassembler les praticiens contactés mais la vie de la Société dépend de vous et de votre implication.
La région Est travaille dur pour nous préparer un congrès original en Septembre, à Colmar. Vous en saurez bientôt plus sur le programme scientifique et sur les activités proposées.
Le Bureau vous renouvelle ses vœux pour cette nouvelle année et vous
attend dans toutes ces manifestations prévues.
Bioprogressively your
Chère Consœur, cher Confrère, cher(e)s ami(e)s
Avec notre congrès à Rennes en septembre et les Journées d’orthodontie en novembre à Paris, cette année 2024 s’achève sur un bilan enrichissant.
Encore merci à tous ceux qui ont participé à ces deux événements (plein de belles photos de Rennes sur le site !)
Une nouveauté pendant le congrès de Rennes : la captation vidéo des conférences, qui a permis de les revoir « à tête reposée », une expérience à renouveler même si des détails sont à améliorer.
2024 a aussi été une année d’élection. Par voie électronique nous avons élu nos délégués régionaux, qui ont ensuite désigné un bureau régional et ces bureaux régionaux ont choisi un Bureau national. Notre secrétaire nationale, Hanh Vuong-Pichelin, a décidé de ne pas se représenter. Qu’elle trouve ici toute la reconnaissance de la SBR pour ces nombreuses années passées à gérer l’administration de la Société.
Permettez-moi d’évoquer un souvenir…
En février 2010, je rendais visite à Michel Delamaire à l’hôpital et je lui disais qu’Hanh était notre secrétaire. Il m’a juste fait un signe avec le pouce levé pour me dire son approbation. C’est Charlotte Eurin qui va la remplacer, aidée par Mireille Biegel comme adjointe (Mireille risque fort d’être occupée avec le congrès à Colmar en 2025 !)
Éric Allouch a été réélu comme trésorier et j’ai accepté un deuxième mandat comme président. Un certain nombre de nouveaux membres ont intégré les bureaux régionaux, apportant sang neuf et idées innovantes pour l’avenir. Le vote électronique est une procédure extrêmement simple, une participation plus importante aurait été souhaitable (notons qu’une vingtaine de nos amis japonais, membres de la BSC et donc de la SBR, ont voté).
Prochaines élections en septembre 2027.Une nouvelle équipe, avec de nouvelles idées.
2025 va être une année riche en réunions régionales, sans compter une semaine interfac
pour nos internes les 7, 8 et 9 avril à Bordeaux, un congrès à Colmar (12,13 et 14 septembre) sans oublier les Journées d’orthodontie sous la présidence scientifique de Michel Le Gall (les 7, 8 et 9 novembre 2025).
Les projets ne manquent pas, nous avons évoqué un numéro plus international de notre revue, rassemblant des cas traités depuis plusieurs horizons, qui permettrait de confronter nos façons de faire, nos expériences… Et pourquoi ne pas organiser un voyage pour retrouver nos amis Japonais, à mi-chemin entre la France et le Japon. C’était une habitude il y a quelques années, et la convivialité était toujours au rendez-vous.
2024 se termine, je vous souhaite d’excellentes fêtes de fin d’année, et que 2025 vous apporte
ce que vous désirez le plus dans la Sérénité, la Bienveillance et la Réussite.
Bon vent pour 2025 !
Bioprogressivement vôtre,
Chère Consœur, cher Confrère, cher(e)s ami(e)s
Le 21ème congrès de la SBR vient de s’achever sous un beau soleil breton, ce qui devient une habitude appréciable pour la SBR.
Si j’en juge par les commentaires reçus cette semaine, la satisfaction est de mise, ce qui ne m’étonne pas, au vu de la qualité des intervenants.
Un très grand MERCI à nos treize conférenciers qui nous ont présenté un travail de haut niveau et qui ont été les artisans de ce succès en apportant leurs expériences et leur passion. On aura beau se donner tout le mal nécessaire pour organiser un beau congrès, si la qualité scientifique n’est pas au rendez-vous, le souvenir sera terne.
Même si l’ambiance est là, même si la convivialité déborde, le contenu scientifique est primordial et quand tout çà est réuni, on ne peut dire que merci.
Merci aussi à vous tous, présents en nombre, venus de toute la France, de l’étranger (des Émirats Arabes Unis au Japon) et à nos confrères et consœurs qui s’étaient inscrits pour suivre les conférences en visio (Japon, USA, Émirats, DOMTOM). Ces enregistrements sont une nouveauté, sans doute à améliorer, mais c’est tellement enrichissant de les revoir, à tête reposée, chez soi pour en apprécier le contenu.
Merci à Nathalie Hamel pour sa disponibilité, indispensable à la mise en place d’un tel évènement, à Romy Moison , à Michel Lemonnier pour l’organisation
Et enfin, un grand Merci à nos partenaires, toujours présents sans lesquels nous ne pourrions pas organiser ce genre de manifestation. Ils sont les bienvenus, aussi bien pendant nos pauses, nos repas, nos soirées et notre tombola !
Nos deux soirées au château de Montmuran et au couvent des Jacobins ont permis d’apprécier l’ambiance conviviale et festive qui règne entre nous tous, au son de la musique bretonne et de la voix de notre chanteuse récidiviste (pour ceux qui était à Reims).
Il ne nous reste plus qu’à redescendre de notre Everest (Merci Nacer pour cette brillante conférence) et à nous préparer pour aller à Paris les 7/8/9 Novembre aux Journées d’Orthodontie.
Sans oublier que nous votons cette année ! Pour renouveler nos bureaux régionaux qui éliront ensuite le bureau National. Hanh VUONG-PICHELIN a décidé de ne pas se représenter comme secrétaire nationale, poste qu’elle occupait depuis une quinzaine d’années. Nous espérons quand même la revoir lors de prochains congrès pour partager des soirées amicales …
Votez, Participez, Venez à Paris et Revivez le congrès grâce aux photos sur notre site et à notre prochaine Revue en fin d’année.
A Vous de jouer dans l’Est pour nous accueillir les 12, 13 et 14 septembre 2025 à Colmar.
Bioprogressivement Votre
Président de la SBR
Dear colleague, dear friend
As we embark on 2024, I'd like to start by renewing my best wishes for you: much success in all your projects, and good health that will leave you with a "shape memory" that is proof against the viruses that are still lurking around. Let's hope that 2024 will be a year full of promise and peace.
The SBR's plans include the congress to be held in Rennes on September 13/14/15, on the theme of "the vertical dimension, excess and insufficiency".
We are devoting a great deal of time to this with the Western office, Romy MOISON and Michel LE MONNIER, and the scientific program is all set, as are the festivities, since a congress is also the pleasure of getting together and sharing convivial moments with our sponsors. We hope to welcome our Japanese friends again this year, who have asked that members of the BSC (the Japanese SBR) be counted among the SBR.
All this, without forgetting the regional meetings, the inter-faculty week (April 15-19 in Toulouse), our JO (Journées d'Orthodontie in November!) under the presidency of Michel LE GALL.
2024 will also be an important year for the SBR, since it's an election year: renewal of the various Boards and the National Office.
Get involved in the regions! It's thanks to new members that the Society lives and thrives... old hands can bring experience, young people new ideas, and succession is all the easier when a generation retires. So it's important to prepare for the future, so that young people don't arrive in an unfamiliar world, and are supported by the older generation.
We're still fine-tuning our magazine, our directory, our website and our database. This requires perpetual work, and the work of the members of the office, Nathalie Hamel and Sandra is important. Each member is asked to do his or her bit by notifying us of any change of address or e-mail address ... too many magazines are returned with the note "unknown at the address indicated".
As a famous sports journalist used to say MO-BI-LI-SEZ-VOUS!
Happy New Year 2024... see you in RENNES in September.
Souriez Soon Rennes
A president happy with this success in 2023
Dear colleagues and friends,
2023 will have been an eventful year for the SBR, with a number of regional events, but above all a magnificent congress at the end of September in REIMS to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Many thanks to organizers Jean Michel BONVARLET, Isabelle MARZIN, Hanh VUONG-PICHELIN, Eric ALLOUCH and the entire Ile de France regional office. They set the bar very high to celebrate this jubilee, and it will be remembered as a success in every respect: both scientific, with a line-up of top-level speakers, and festive, with a most convivial atmosphere, the champagne helping to make it a success! We were delighted to welcome back past presidents, honorary members, congress stalwarts and many young people, which tells us that the SBR is dynamic and open to the future.
A special thank you to our former presidents, who were invited but unable to attend: Guy PERRIER d'ARC, Michel BONNEROT, who sent us a word of encouragement for this congress, and to Carl GUGINO, who sent us a video on the future of this profession "which he loves so much and to which he owes his longevity"!
A big thank you to our Japanese friends who came to take part in our congress, as they did in La Baule, Lyon and Chantilly. This cooperation is becoming an extraordinary and enriching habit, and a lot of champagne has been awarded sparkling "Kempaî".
It's time to wish you a very happy holiday season.
May they bring you the best of health and serenity.
Since we were in this city marked by the history of French kings, instead of shouting "the King is dead, long live the King!" Let's proclaim "Reims is dead, Long live Rennes!"
The Western region awaits you there on September 13/14/15 2024 for the continuation of our story "the vertical dimension, excess and insufficiency"
Smile Soon Rennes
A happy president of this success story in 2023
Dear colleagues and friends,
May 11th was the anniversary of the SBR's creation... 50 years!
The SBR is in its fifties, and it's getting ready for the festival organized by the Île-de-France region in Reims on September 29-30 and October 1. The bubbles are in the bottles, ready to sparkle with all who come! The program is being fine-tuned, with eight of our Japanese friends coming, including two young speakers: Drs Nagata and Nakatani.
The French speakers are in the starting-blocks to talk about cooperation (or the lack of it!) to achieve our goals. Golf for amateurs, champagne for all, high-level lectures and an orthodontic surprise... An opportunity to bring together many SBR stalwarts and many young people (interns are always invited to the gala evening!) over a few flutes. The regions redoubled their activity during the first half of 2023, proposing all kinds of topics to our members, and the SBR, at national level, was not left behind, with its participation in the interfac week held in Montpellier this year, during the last week of April.
The program included a case study on the electrodont', that marvelous typodont' that works without taking a bath, interspersed with lectures for the 562nd-year interns.
Thanks to all those who actively participate in this training.
After Reims, we'll be heading straight for the Orthodontics Days organized by the FFO, from Friday November 10 to Sunday November 12, with the SBR program including a CPD session on "physical child abuse" with the SMODMF, a second with Cepog on "the contribution of neuroscience to our practice as caregivers" and finally a third in collaboration with the College of Teachers on "eruption disorders from 5 to 7".
Our Japanese friends are in turn organizing the BSC's anniversary at their annual congress, to be held in Tokyo on November 19 and 20, 2023: 40th anniversary at the same time as the 7th International Orthodontic Conference, whose theme is: "The contribution of digital technology to the evolution of our Society".
Finally, the website has just been updated, after a few problems (please bear with us!). You'll find all the information you need about the congress and, of course, the online registration form.
Have a good summer, rest well, and come to Reims in good shape!
January 1, 2023
Dear colleagues and friends,
1973.... 2023... 50 years. We've reached the age of maturity, and our Society, with over 800 members, is doing well. We've come a long way since our founding in 1973, thanks to dynamic colleagues who rightly believed in the promising concept initiated by Dr. Robert Ricketts. The Covid years have not dimmed our desire to get together, to organize our regional and national days against all the odds. Arcachon in 2020, Cassis in 2021 and Annecy in 2022 are proof of this.
Let's hope that 2023 will be a great celebration for the SBR, with rich regional meetings attended by as many people as possible, crowned at the end of September 2023 with our jubilee in Reims.
The participation of as many people as possible is living proof of this vitality, and if we celebrate the historic past of the Ricketts Company, now Bioprogressive, we can imagine and decide on a future that's up to us to realize.
The BSC, our Japanese equivalent, will be present in Reims and has already invited us to celebrate their 40th anniversary in November 2023 in Tokyo. Having been there twice, I can assure you that the comparison of our methods of practice is more than enriching. The visits of our Japanese colleagues, both to La Baule and Chantilly, have always been a source of memorable evenings and friendship.
This is my dearest wish as President of the SBR. I wish you and your families Happiness, Health and Serenity.
Long live the SBR and Welcome to Reims!
September 29/30 & October 1, 2023
Chairman SBR
September 29, 2022
Dear colleagues and friends,
Jean-Luc OUHIOUN and Frédéric CHALAS organized a superb congress for us in Annecy in September, during which we met in an atmosphere that was as warm as ever, sharing convivial moments, from cocktails to the Gala, via mountain biking and the Priscilla Sisters. The scientific program was not to be outdone, with high-level speakers who all made their contribution to the vast problem of TMJ,
Thank you to our two organizers, who ran these days with masterly skill... with magnificent weather, as in Arcachon and Cassis! Thanks to our speakers, orthodontists, dentists, doctors, posturologists, surgeons and physiotherapists, all of whom were fascinating. The diversity of our specialties enabled us to approach TMJ from all angles, and to open our eyes. "Looking beyond the teeth" has always been a leitmotiv of bioprogressive thinking, and several physiotherapists came to attend our conferences.
Thanks to our exhibitors and partners who help us organize these days, and thanks to all the many participants.
Now that Annecy has passed, we'll be in Reims in 2023 to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the SBR. Created in May 1973 by a handful of orthodontists (Carl Gugino, Julien Philippe, Guy Perrier d'Arc and others, who I'm sorry not to mention), the Ricketts Society's first newsletter was a typed, black-and-white leaflet of a few pages, with no photos, distributed to around fifty members. Marc Gérald is now concocting a magnificent journal for us, so don't hesitate to contact him if you'd like to publish cases treated bioprogressively.
We now have 817 members, almost all interns are members, over 40 DU students, and three-quarters of our members are specialists or in the process of becoming specialists.
The SBR will be taking part in the 24th Journées d'Orthodontie organized by the FFO in November, with three co-organized sessions (on hypomaxillia, the nose and the tongue). We look forward to seeing you there!
Hoping that 2022 ends well for You and leads to an eventful fiftieth anniversary year.
We look forward to seeing you at our regional meetings and in Reims on September 29-30 and October 1, 2023,
Bioprogressivement Votre
Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,
The health situation seems to be improving day by day, allowing us to envisage a (bio)gradual return to almost normal activity, while still respecting our sanitary measures,
We resumed our regional meetings in Paris and Marseille, and in March we had the pleasure of welcoming Pierre CANAL who, together with William BACON, spoke to us about orthodontic finishing and a subject close to his heart, wisdom teeth. We welcomed him along with a number of former students who benefited from his teaching and advice. He is retiring as a high-level lecturer after several decades during which he has given us the benefit of his experience. He is a pillar of the SBR, one of the few teachers of Ricketts' philosophy who is retiring, well-deserved.
After a 2-year hiatus due to the coronavirus, in April we resumed the interfaculty week which brings together all ODF interns in France. The 150 or so interns met in RENNES, and the SBR took charge of the 3rd years to train them in bioprogressive mechanics, treating one case on electrodont.
A big thank you to the organizers Damien BREZULIER and Capucine LUCAS, who managed this event masterfully, and to the supervisors Veronika DERCSAR, Marie DOCO, Delphine WAGNER, Jacques BOHAR , Stéphane RENAUDIN, Marc Henri NIVET, Loïc GAUTIER. See you in April 2023 in Montpellier!"
Then, from September 17 to 19, we'll be in Annecy for the 19th Journées Nationales. Jean-Luc OUHIOUN and Frédéric CHALAS have put together a particularly tempting program on TMJ and its problems, from diagnosis to treatment, with renowned speakers on the subject.
Two months later, we returned to the Journées d'Orthodontie in Paris from November 12 to 14. The 2021 Session was a great success, with over 2000 practitioners in attendance. In 2022, the SBR will organize 3 sessions on :
- "Hypomaxillia and functional disorders" with the ODF magazine association,
- Nose and smile, an intimate relationship" with GREAT
- La langue de long, en large et en travers" with CEPOG
So plenty more opportunities to meet us!
For the first time, the SBR has exceeded 800 members, including 141 interns - it's doing well! Let's continue to take care of ourselves and our patients.
Bioprogressively Yours!
Dear Sisters, Dear Brothers, Dear Friends,
In 2005, during the national elections, Michel Delamaire, our Treasurer, passed the baton to me to take his place. For the past 16 years, I have fulfilled this mission with the utmost seriousness, and having been elected President of our Society by the various regions last November, I am handing over to Eric Allouch who, I am sure, will carry out this task with the same rigour as I did. Continuity through change. 2021 marks this renewal of the Board, with Hanh Vuong-Pichelin remaining our unfailing secretary.
Please help Eric in this delicate task by choosing to pay your dues online whenever possible. Our website, via the "my account" section, allows you to retrieve your invoices and receipts once you have paid online. Saving time, money and paperwork... all advantages!
Don't forget to put your photo in the online directory, it's always nicer and more personal to see our correspondents.
2021 was mourned by many deaths among orthodontists, and among them were two names the whole profession knew: Dr. Bassigny and Dr. Vion, both authors of books that were our bibles in the early days. Doctor Vion and his "little red book" on cephalometry remain a benchmark. Having passed away at the end of November, we didn't have the material time to pay him a special tribute in our magazine. We will do so in the next issue.
The Journées d'Orthodontie returned in force in November with 2352 registrants, and the SBR was represented by actively organizing sessions. During these COVID years, our society was able to organize its two congresses in Arcachon in 2020 and Cassis in 2021, demonstrating the dynamism that drives us. The next congress in Annecy in September 2022 will undoubtedly be up to the challenge, leading us right up to our 50th anniversary in 2023.
The sad news came a few days before Christmas: the death of Monique CHOUVIN, President of the CTTD, one of the scientific societies making up the FFO. This charming and much-appreciated lady had also been unanimously elected a director of the FFO, following in the footsteps of Alain BERY. So many deaths in 2021...
May this new year bring us Health, Happiness and Success in the projects that are close to our hearts, participate in our meetings, all to the joy of meeting us face-to-face, as at the November Olympics.
Happy New Year 2022 to all , take care of yourself and your loved ones .
Bioprogressively your